Colombia Check-MIG: A step-by-step guide and resources

Posted by Natvisa Content Team | Updated on Jan 21, 2025

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Rency CD enjoys immersing herself in the realm of Content. Within this field, she has taken on various roles, including that of a Journalist, Senior Sub-Editor, Copywriter, Communication Strategist, Content Manager, and Expert in Internal Communication. Rency's bio >

Rency CD, a travel expert at Natvisa, presents this step-by-step guide on the Colombia Check-MIG, detailing the requirements and providing clear instructions on how to apply.

Note that your application process is completely online, and applicants do not need to go to a Colombian embassy physically. You can also pay the processing fee online. We have listed the requirements for Colombia Check-MIG below.

Preparing your application

In our experience, applying for a Colombian Check Mig is a straightforward but elaborate process, and our advice is it is always good to be prepared. Make sure to research the documents you need. The Colombian embassy website can be a good source of information. (source)

Check your internet connectivity and ensure that it is a good one. Slow or bad connectivity can make the process a bit frustrating.

The Colombian Check Mig application form is available in three different languages – English, French, and Spanish. We were required to share several pieces of information related to our travel and passport. Read on to learn more about them. Google chrome has features to change a language in the page. (source)

Travel information

You are required to select your chosen mode of transport. You can arrive in Colombia by air, road, or water (both sea and river).

Note that the pre-approval entry form or Colombian Check Mig can be applied from 72 hours to up to 1 hour before the flight. However, we encourage you to get it at least 24 hours before the scheduled flight.

Registration Type: Foreign nationals applying for a Colombian Check Mig must select whether they are getting this document for leaving Colombia or arriving in the country. In our case, it was to arrive in the country.

Immigration Checkpoint/City of Entry: You have to mention the port of entry or immigration checkpoint (if you are arriving by road or sea).

You have to select one from the list of immigration checkpoints given in the drop-down list. Note that all authorized entry points are listed on the form. Please note if you are arriving through unauthorized seaports or land border crossings, you will have to pay heavy fines or, in some cases, serve jail terms in Colombia.

Flight Date: In this case, you have to enter the date of the scheduled flight.

Note that you can apply for Colombia Check Mig only three days prior to your date of arrival. The information will typically have the date, month, and year of your arrival.

Flight Number: A flight number is a code that airlines use as a designator. It will have two characters and a one-to-four-digit number. You need to enter only the numbers. You also provide the starting point of their flight.

Sometimes the Check Mig doesn’t work because the flight number is entered with the letters. The name of the airline will automatically be selected as you can enter only pre-scheduled flight numbers.

After filling out the above details, we could easily navigate to the next section.

Your personal details

Country of Origin/Nationality: This is a mandatory field wherein you should declare your nationality as given in your passport. As per international law, nationality identifies a person as a subject of a sovereign country. You can seek assistance from their embassy in case of emergencies in a foreign nation.

State of Origin: The state in which you are born, as appeared in the passport. (source)

City of Origin: The name of the particular city from which you hail. The information must match that in your passport.

The type of Travel Document: You should share the specific type of your passport. Passports are of various categories, such as official, diplomatic, service, and ordinary. (source)

The Number of Travel Documents: If you are from the visa-required country, you will have to enter two travel documents — your visa and Colombia Check Mig. Applicants from visa-free countries can enter Colombia with their Check Mig document only.

First Name/Given Name: It is your official first name, as it appears in your passport. (source)

Surname/Family Name: In this field, you must enter his/her second name, and it should match the information in the passport. Mistakes can result in their entry permission denial. If the applicants have changed their surname, they have to mention that as well.

Date of Birth: The official day on which the applicant was born, as appeared in the passport. It will typically have a date, month, and year.

Gender: In this field, you need to declare your gender as it appears in your passport.

Passport Expiry date: The date from which your passport is deemed invalid. Foreign nationals, including you, should have a passport with a minimum validity of six months to travel to Colombia. (source)

Country of Birth and Country of Residence: You have to re-enter your country of birth, and if you are staying in a foreign country, you have to mention that.

Email Address: Enter the electronic mail address, which will have your name and details of the service provider. Make sure you enter the correct email address, as the Colombia Check Mig will be delivered to this online address. Errors can cause the applicant not to get this mandatory travel document to enter Colombia.

Do You Need a Visa: In this field, you have to mention whether you need a visa to visit the country. Note that citizens from all visa-required countries need a visa along with the Colombian Check Mig to enter the country. Therefore, you must give the information about the following:

  • Type of Visa: There are three types of Colombia visas – Visitor Visa (Type V), Migrant Visa (type M), and Resident Visa (Type R). You should declare the type of visa you have. In our case, it was a visitor visa, Type V, for Colombia Check-Mig online registration. (source)
  • Country of Issuance: The country that issued your visa
  • Date of Visa Issuance: The particular date on which your visa was issued
  • Date of Visa Expiry: The date on which your visa will expire

Accommodation details: You are required to share the place and address of your accommodation in Colombia and your contact details, including your cell phone number.

Purpose of Your Travel: Here, you should share the nature and purpose of your travel to Colombia. Most visas will be processed based on the nature and duration of your trip. Foreign nationals who wish to stay for longer periods will have to get a Type M visa, while those who prefer to visit the country for a short period can apply for a Type V visa.

Next steps

Ready to complete the form? First gather some items.

You will need:

  • Passport
  • Flight number
  • Host information

Second, complete the form online. You will find the form below under Relevant links. Click on "Online form for entry Check Mig registration" link.

Third, receive the approval and print the document. Even though the approval is linked to passport number, its a good idea to have a copy of the Check-Mig.

Fourth, travel to Colombia and go through Immigration.


"It’s essential to provide the flight number for your entry into Colombia, not the number of a connecting flight."

-Natvisa Specialist

Questions and answers to complete the Check-Mig for Colombia

While applying for the Colombian Check Mig, you should answer a few questions with regard to your previous visits (in any) and your health. You have to declare if they have any symptoms of COVID-19 (like fever and cough) or if you have come in contact with smallpox patients. You have also to declare if you have been denied a visa to Colombia in your previous attempts and if you have dual citizenship.

Traveling with a minor

If you are traveling with minor children, you should provide various information about them, such as:

  • Nationality
  • Date of Birth
  • Type of Travel Documents
  • Number of Travel Documents
  • First Name
  • Second Name
  • Type of Passport
  • Expiry Date of Passport
  • Gender


Natvisa offers a straightforward and secure application process with 24/7 customer support, robust data protection, and expert review to ensure compliance with government standards.

Terms and conditions

When we were filling out the Check-Mig form for Colombia, we were required to give correct and error-free information. The terms and conditions for the Colombian Check Mig state that all the information provided by you will be subject to verification by the Colombian immigration authority. If found fraudulent, your application can be rejected.

After agreeing to your terms and conditions, you can click the save and send button. Once submitted, your Check Mig form for Colombia will be delivered to your registered email address. All foreign travelers, including minor children, need a Colombia Check Mig form to enter the country. Most applications are processed in less than 24 hours.

The form is delivered in a PDF format, and you can save it on your cell phone or take a printout to show the officers at the immigration counter at the port of entry. Note that there is no option to edit the document. However, you can go back to the previous pages before submitting the application form.

Relevant links

Validity of your Colombia Check Mig

Your Check Mig will remain valid until your arrive in Colombia. However, you can apply for it even 24 hours before your scheduled flight’s departure.

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Traveling to Colombia can be an unforgettable experience, thanks to its unique cuisine and biodiversity. However, you should ensure that you have the necessary travel documents to enter the country.

The Colombian Check Mig is a mandatory document that you must obtain before visiting the country. Although the application process is completely online and straightforward, you need to be prepared and ensure that you have all the required documents before applying.