How to apply for a Turkey eVisa: application process explained

Posted by Natvisa Content Team | Updated on Jan 21, 2025

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Rency CD, a travel expert at Natvisa, provides expert guidance on the Turkey e-visa application process, highlighting essential document requirements and offering tips to avoid common mistakes for a seamless application experience.

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The only way for you to get an eVisa for Turkey is to apply for it online. While some tof you may still be eligible for a visa-on-arrival when you arrive in the country, the government suggests getting travel documents in order ahead of time.

Having your eVisa before arrival in Turkey expedites entry into the country because nothing must be processed or approved upon arrival.

It also makes the government’s job easier, because they don’t have to make last-minute decisions about who can and cannot enter the country.

Some items needed for eVisa


Passport with 6 months validity

Travel Dates

Arrival date in Turkey


Email address

Your personal information

Turkey requests certain pieces of information before they will allow you to enter the country. You must enter personal information about yourself, telling the government of Turkey who you are and where you come from.

Some of this information will be available on the traveler’s passport. The data on the application needs to match the data on your passport exactly, or the eVisa application will be denied.

If you need to change information on your eVisa, you will need to apply for a new one.

First Name. This should appear exactly as it appears on your passport. Those of you who have middle names that appear on your passport should include your middle name here, too, separated from your first name by a single space.

Last Name. You need to ensure that you spell your name exactly as it is on your passport. Those with long or complex last names should take extra care that this step is completed correctly.

Country of Birth. You should fill out the country where you were born. This is the country on your birth certificate. This is essential even if you do not live in or hold citizenship in that country anymore.

Date of Birth. This should be the full 8-digit date of birth, including the 4-digit year. Abbreviations will not be accepted.

This should be identical to the gender listed on your passport. If your gender no longer matches what is listed on your passport, you will need to get a new passport before you apply for the Turkey eVisa.

Applicant Address. This is your current address in your home country and should include the country, even if it is not standardly used on in-country mail.

Phone Number. This can be a landline or a mobile phone number and should be a number where it would be easy to reach you.

This determines whether or not you can use the eVisa. Currently, Turkey eVisas are available to travelers from about 90 countries, though this is subject to change.

Processing steps

Online form

Complete online form


We review for errors


Receive approved document

Passport information

You will also need to enter information about the passport you carry. The information you input will need to be identical to the information that appears on your actual passport. If it is not, the eVisa will not be granted, and you will need to reapply with accurate data.

Passport Type. The eVisa is only available to travelers holding an ordinary or regular passport. (The name may be different based on the country of origin.) Those of you holding diplomatic passports, government traveler passports, passport cards, or special passports will need to obtain different types of travel permission to visit Turkey.

Passport Number. This can be found inside the passport or stamped across the top. The number entered here needs to exactly match the number on your passport, as this is one way that international travel is tracked across countries.

Passport Place of Issue. This is where the passport was issued, not where it was applied for. These may be two separate locations. The place of issue should be noted inside the passport.

Passport Issue Date. This is the date of issue, not the date when the application for the passport was completed or submitted by you. It will be noted inside the passport itself.

Passport Expiration Date. The passport is no longer valid after this date. This date should be at least six months beyond the date when you want to enter Turkey.


"Be extremely cautious when entering your passport number, as even a small mistake will invalidate the eVisa."

-Natvisa Specialist

Travel information

You will also be asked for specific information about your trip to Turkey. You should have to travel both into and out of Turkey planned before you apply for the eVisa. If you do not, you will need to make some plans before you apply for the Turkey eVisa.

Expected Arrival Date. This is the date when the flight, boat, or other means of transportation that you have booked when you are expected to enter Turkey. Travel delays happen, and it is understood that this date may change under certain circumstances.

Expected Departure Date. This is the date upon which you plan to leave Turkey. You may need to show proof of a planned departure (like an airplane, bus, or boat ticket) at the border before you are allowed to enter Turkey.

Entry Type. You need to choose between a single-entry eVisa to Turkey or one that allows for multiple entries. While the single-entry eVisa costs less, if you are unsure, you may want to choose the multiple-entry option so you can return to Turkey if you so choose.

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Traveling to Turkey doesn’t have to be stressful! We advise potential visitors like you to start your Turkey eVisa applications today so you can take your trip soon. Applying for your eVisa is quick and easy and makes visiting Turkey a breeze.